When God is Silent
People wonder why God doesn’t always speak in more open terms—audibly, with visible signs, and other kinds of ways. The Bible tells us that God receives more glory when He conceals, rather than making things obvious. The seeking and finding process requires faith and perseverance.
It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter (Proverbs 25:2).
But there’s another part to this equation—“it’s the glory of kings to search out a matter”! Our search is part of our training to rule and reign with Him. Seeking God will change you! It will cause you to reevaluate, search your heart and motives, prioritize your prayer time, and confess your offenses. Seeking God will cause you to forgive, to move forward and to even love your enemies. Seeking God will humble you, deal with your pride and arrogance and certainly your judgementalism. All of this will perfect a part of you. God often wraps Himself in mystery so we can learn and find things we weren’t even looking for. God doesn’t hide things FROM us, He hides things FOR us.