One Day Conference
A day filled with training and inspiration.
These teachings have
the potential to revolutionize
our ministries.
When it comes to the practical aspects
of pastoral and local church leadership…
no one is better and no one cares more
about your local church and its healthy
environments. I highly recommend
ChurchTrainer to you!
These insights into how to build a strong,
vibrant church will help pastor,
leaders and churches reach their potential.
Choose from our 21 different topics for your ONE DAY Conference.
Whether you are hosting it for your region, or for at your local church, here are list of ONE DAY conferences you can choose from.
*They are available any day of the week, except Sunday.
Creating a Culture
for Growth
Running Together
The Community Church
Leadership and
Church Size Dynamics
Top 10 Priorities of a Growing Church
but not Part-Time Pastor
Married in Ministry, but not Married to the Ministry
Spiritually Balanced
The Glocal Church
Leadership and
Church Size Dynamics
Top 10 Priorities of a Growing Church
but not Part-Time Pastor
Creating Momentum and Sustaining Growth
Church Marketing and Social Media
Sermon and Leadership Resources