The LOVE TEST is the hardest test you will ever pass.  It is also the thing that will give you the most: character, the most joy, the most security and the most happiness.  But in order to pass the LOVE TEST you must be willing to get your heart broken, get disappointed, learn to forgive and learn to move on when life doesn’t go the way you planned. Nothing can develop you more as a person than LOVE.

It relinquishes your rights to be selfish, it causes you to give away things you want to keep, it causes you to push yourself to every limit. LOVE is worth it – but LOVE is work – hard work!  It takes commitment; covenant compromise; and also the ability to forgive when one of those go wrong.  But YES, it is WORTH IT

(1 Corinthians 13 from the Message)

 Love never gives up.

 Love cares more for others than for self.

 Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.

 Love doesn’t strut,

 Doesn’t have a swelled head,

 Doesn’t force itself on others,

 Isn’t always “me first,”

 Doesn’t fly off the handle,

 Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others,

 Doesn’t revel when others grovel,

 Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,

 Puts up with anything,

 Trusts God always,

 Always looks for the best,

 Never looks back,

 But keeps going to the end.

 Love never fails. 

The easiest person to love will be God once you understand the unconditional love of God for you.  Once your understand His grace, mercy and care, He will be the easiest person to love.  Unconditional love is modeled by the love of a child and the love for a child.  That is the kind of love God has for you.

The hardest person to love will be your enemies.  Loving God will make your heart good.  Hating your enemies will make your heart bad.  Your ability to love EVERYONE ELSE falls somewhere in this spectrum.  It determines your ability to forgive, your ability to give and your ability to love people who can’t love you back.

God will give you the gift of an enemy to perfect your heart and give you character.  Without it, you will only be a taker and never a giver.

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