Creating the Dream Team
Dr. Bryan Cutshall
1. Choosing the Right Team Players:
- Do not choose people who are all alike…diversity is strength.
- Do not choose anyone who is emotionally high maintenance.
- Do not choose anyone who is a “lone ranger.” They must play well with others.
- Do not choose a “want-to-be” unless they are highly creative and self motivating.
- Do not choose a gossip.
- Do not choose someone that has to be told what to do.
- Do not choose someone who is too moody.
- Do not choose a person with a bad attitude.
- Do not choose someone that has a “short term” track record.
- Do not choose someone who can’t do the job, just because you like them.
- Do not choose anyone that you feel sorry for.
- Do not choose anyone who can’t submit to authority.
- Do not choose a person who is too sensitive and can’t handle critique.
- Do not choose a person who “reacts” to public opinion.
2. Where do I find the Dream Team?
- College Graduates
- Internet
- Home Grown Team Players
- From Other Churches
- Networks
- MIP Programs
- Business World
- Military
- Schools of Ministry
3. Staffing Your Weaknesses: This is often the difference in a good leader and a great leader.
- Weakness of many great leaders:
- Creativity
- Administrative Skills
- Organizational Skills
- Relationship Skills
- Customer Service
- Planning and Vision Casting
- Program Management
- Time Management
4. Developing the Team:
- Seminars
- Workshops
- Staff Meetings
- Book Clubs
- Field Trips
- Think Tanks
- Annual Planning
5. Evaluating the Team:
- Staff Meetings
- On Site Observations
- Annual Evaluation Forms
- Dream Sessions (One on One)
- Internships
- Charting (Compare to previous years)
6. Paying the Team: Budgeting for Your Staff:
- Jethro Principle – Exodus 18: 10’s – 50’s -100’s – 1000’s
- You can afford one part time salary per 50 people.
- You should be able to afford one full time salary per 100 people.
- USA National Average Giving Statistic: $26.71 per person weekly
- (This average does include children in attendance.)
7. Staffing Your Team:
- Create the Ideal Organizational Chart and leave the spaces empty that need to be filled. This will make sure that you only hire, “who you need” and not just what you need at the time.
- Who? Then What? : Make a list of people you would love to have on your team. Training a person for a new job is easier than giving them your heart and vision. This list should include people you like, who have already bought in to you mission and vision. When a job becomes available that meets their skill set, hire them.