Setting Up Small Groups and Training Your Leaders (Rent)

Setting Up Small Groups and Training Your Leaders (Rent)

In this video Debi Roam is actually training small group leaders.  You will not only learn about how to set up and train small group leaders, but you will see it modeled.  Debi, is one of the foremost experts in the United States on this subject.  She has researched...
Lesson 10 – Media and Technology System (Unlimited)

Lesson 10 – Media and Technology System (Unlimited)

Every church that is progressing with the times must be updated and trained in media technology.  On this training video, you will hear from Denver Morton (Owner of Tec Guru) and Dave Bird (Owner of Springloaded Media), who are media and technology professionals. ...
Lesson 9 – Care System (Unlimited)

Lesson 9 – Care System (Unlimited)

Every church must find a way to care for the people in the congregation.  Any time all the care of the church falls under the responsibility of only one or two people, the quality of care is limited.  Care must come from the community of believers.  In this training...
Lesson 8 – Connect System (Unlimited)

Lesson 8 – Connect System (Unlimited)

Connecting guests is a critical priority for every growing church.  Guest connections start from the time they arrive to the follow-up that happens for several weeks after a first-time visit.  This training will give you a one-year follow-up process along with proven...
Lesson 7 – The Leadership Factor (Unlimited)

Lesson 7 – The Leadership Factor (Unlimited)

In this training, you will be taught biblical leadership principles from Bishop Bill Isaacs.  He leads a world-wide ministry that trains pastors in Covenant Community Groups.  He is the author of many books and heads up a ministry called Forward Leadership.  His...
Lesson 6 – Stewardship System (Unlimited)

Lesson 6 – Stewardship System (Unlimited)

It takes money to do ministry, but most churches have only one method for generating needed funds: they pass the offering plate. Dr. Bryan Cutshall will discuss many cutting-edge ideas for creating income for your church.  He gives you many resources for kiosk giving,...
Lesson 5 – Worship System (Unlimited)

Lesson 5 – Worship System (Unlimited)

Worship is an essential component to every church. Every church, regardless of its size, has a worship system. In this training, worship leader LeBron Arwine gives incredible insight on how to organize a church music ministry. He covers many aspects of the worship...
Lesson 4 – Discipleship System (Unlimited)

Lesson 4 – Discipleship System (Unlimited)

Small groups were the method of the New Testament church and are proven to be the single largest contributing factor to connecting and caring for people in growing healthy churches.  Leading expert, Debi Roam, will teach you how to create and grow effective small...
Lesson 3 – Outreach System (Unlimited)

Lesson 3 – Outreach System (Unlimited)

One of the most glaring symptoms of a church that isn’t growing is typically they have no outreach ministry.  Some think nursing home and jail ministry is outreach, but that is actually evangelism ministry. Outreach is about having a constant dependable presence in...
Lesson 2 – Family Ministries (Unlimited)

Lesson 2 – Family Ministries (Unlimited)

This is one of the most comprehensive trainings you will ever see on how to organize family ministries.  In this video, Pastor Jeff Eastham will teach you how to organize your families from the nursery to the senior adults. This teaching has a strong emphasis on...
Lesson 1 – Leadership Development System (Unlimited)

Lesson 1 – Leadership Development System (Unlimited)

In this training, you will be taught biblical leadership principles from Bishop Bill Isaacs.  He leads a world-wide ministry that trains pastors in Covenant Community Groups.  He is the author of many books and heads up a ministry called Forward Leadership.  His...
Lesson 1 – Leadership Development System (Unlimited)

Lesson 1 – Leadership Development System (Rent)

In this training, you will be taught biblical leadership principles from Bishop Bill Isaacs.  He leads a world-wide ministry that trains pastors in Covenant Community Groups.  He is the author of many books and heads up a ministry called Forward Leadership.  His...
Lesson 2 – Family Ministries (Unlimited)

Lesson 2 – Family Ministries (Rent)

This is one of the most comprehensive trainings you will ever see on how to organize family ministries.  In this video, Pastor Jeff Eastham will teach you how to organize your families from the nursery to the senior adults. This teaching has a strong emphasis on...
Lesson 3 – Outreach System (Unlimited)

Lesson 3 – Outreach System (Rent)

One of the most glaring symptoms of a church that isn’t growing is typically they have no outreach ministry.  Some think nursing home and jail ministry is outreach, but that is actually evangelism ministry. Outreach is about having a constant dependable presence in...
Lesson 4 – Discipleship System (Unlimited)

Lesson 4 – Discipleship System (Rent)

Small groups were the method of the New Testament church and are proven to be the single largest contributing factor to connecting and caring for people in growing healthy churches.  Leading expert, Debi Roam, will teach you how to create and grow effective small...
Lesson 5 – Worship System (Unlimited)

Lesson 5 – Worship System (Rent)

Worship is an essential component to every church. Every church, regardless of its size, has a worship system. In this training, worship leader LeBron Arwine gives incredible insight on how to organize a church music ministry. He covers many aspects of the worship...
Lesson 6 – Stewardship System (Unlimited)

Lesson 6 – Stewardship System (Rent)

It takes money to do ministry, but most churches have only one method for generating needed funds: they pass the offering plate. Dr. Bryan Cutshall will discuss many cutting-edge ideas for creating income for your church.  He gives you many resources for kiosk giving,...
Lesson 7 – The Leadership Factor (Unlimited)

Lesson 7 – The Leadership Factor (Rent)

In this training, you will be taught biblical leadership principles from Bishop Bill Isaacs.  He leads a world-wide ministry that trains pastors in Covenant Community Groups.  He is the author of many books and heads up a ministry called Forward Leadership.  His...
Lesson 8 – Connect System (Unlimited)

Lesson 8 – Connect System (Rent)

Connecting guests is a critical priority for every growing church.  Guest connections start from the time they arrive to the follow-up that happens for several weeks after a first-time visit.  This training will give you a one-year follow-up process along with proven...
Lesson 9 – Care System (Unlimited)

Lesson 9 – Care System (Rent)

Every church must find a way to care for the people in the congregation.  Any time all the care of the church falls under the responsibility of only one or two people, the quality of care is limited.  Care must come from the community of believers.  In this training...

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