1. Empowering Leadership!

Believe in the people God has sent you!

  1. Encourage free market thinking (when it’s their idea, they show up)
  2. Allow people to challenge the process (not the vision)—lead with questions
  3. Create an atmosphere of encouragement (give out compliments — publicly)
  4. Gift-Oriented Ministry
    1. Do away with volunteerism mentality
    2. Have a process where people can discover their gifts (“declare a major”)
    3. Make equipping people the main function of the staff
    4. Passionate Spirituality (Zeal)

The degree of passion is the greatest factor in whether or not a church is growing.

  1. Lead by example (you cannot delegate passion)—(don’t let anyone you’re leading out-pray you)
  2. Develop self-feeders (train your people to pray, read, praise, etc. on their own)
  3. Celebrate changed lives (baptisms, testimonies, etc.)
  4. Functional Systems and Structures
    1. Clear vision and values
    2. Solid government and financial practices
    3. Create systems that deliver the vision
    4. Inspiring Worship Services

Number 1 quality of a great church among church-goers: is it FUN??

  1. Laugh more
  2. Create comfort by focusing on excellence (do things well—WOW factor)
  3. Embrace a spirit of generosity
  4. Holistic Small Groups
    1. Broaden the ministry expressions
    2. Focus on relationships, not curriculum
    3. Create a way for people to join
    4. Need-Oriented Evangelism
      1. Keep the lost as the main focus of our attention
      2. Communicate your “Points of Passion”
      3. Understand why people aren’t coming to your church
      4. Loving Relationships
        1. Make yourself and your team available to people (30 minutes before and 30 minutes after service)
        2. Tell Stories
        3. Create “high-touch” environments (write notes for people weekly…)

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