1. Empowering Leadership!
Believe in the people God has sent you!
- Encourage free market thinking (when it’s their idea, they show up)
- Allow people to challenge the process (not the vision)—lead with questions
- Create an atmosphere of encouragement (give out compliments — publicly)
- Gift-Oriented Ministry
- Do away with volunteerism mentality
- Have a process where people can discover their gifts (“declare a major”)
- Make equipping people the main function of the staff
- Passionate Spirituality (Zeal)
The degree of passion is the greatest factor in whether or not a church is growing.
- Lead by example (you cannot delegate passion)—(don’t let anyone you’re leading out-pray you)
- Develop self-feeders (train your people to pray, read, praise, etc. on their own)
- Celebrate changed lives (baptisms, testimonies, etc.)
- Functional Systems and Structures
- Clear vision and values
- Solid government and financial practices
- Create systems that deliver the vision
- Inspiring Worship Services
Number 1 quality of a great church among church-goers: is it FUN??
- Laugh more
- Create comfort by focusing on excellence (do things well—WOW factor)
- Embrace a spirit of generosity
- Holistic Small Groups
- Broaden the ministry expressions
- Focus on relationships, not curriculum
- Create a way for people to join
- Need-Oriented Evangelism
- Keep the lost as the main focus of our attention
- Communicate your “Points of Passion”
- Understand why people aren’t coming to your church
- Loving Relationships
- Make yourself and your team available to people (30 minutes before and 30 minutes after service)
- Tell Stories
- Create “high-touch” environments (write notes for people weekly…)