1. Vision Casting:
The ability to communicate your vision and goals in a clear, compelling way is the number one ability of a leader. If you do nothing else as a leader – be clear!
What excites your people? What fuels them to dream? Charisma is not vision it is a vehicle to deliver vision.
When people can’t see what God is up to, they stumble all over themselves. Prov 29:18 – The Message
The very experience of capturing a clear idea or mission makes people want to share it. But the ease of sharing it is directly proportional to clarity.
What’s the goal? Where are we going? Why? What problem are we solving?
When vision is clear and compelling it becomes contagious
What is your plan/strategy?
- Intentional communication
- Conscious culture
- Developing leadership
- Compelling environment
- Duplicate the process
2. Team Building:
Identifying great team members is important. Find some people who have different strengths than you do. How do we build strong teams? I believe there are a couple things we must do as the leader first:
- Believe in others before they believe in you.
- Serve others before they serve you.
- Add value to others before they add value to you.
When looking for team members, look for these qualities:
- Self-motivated
- Easy to read
- Love what we are doing
- Willing to change and grow
- Team players—willing to share the credit
3. Public Speaking:
Whether you have a “gift” in speaking or not, it’s your responsibility to develop your gift. One message can change a life.
Some speakers think they are better than they are. We need honest feedback from those we respect and trust. (Think about American Idol—some people think they are amazing singers who need no help—don’t trust those who ‘adore you.’ They can’t help you in this area.)
What are you doing to improve this ability? This could be 50-60 percent of the impact of your leadership. Tell stories. Tell another story. Don’t talk too long. Keep people wanting more. What do you want them to know? What do you want them to feel? What do you want them to do? When you finish speaking, can everyone answer those questions?
4. Creating Strategy.
I believe God blesses a plan. Even the effort to create a plan is helpful.
A strategy that people can follow gives feet to your dream. Wisdom is developing the right plan.
Ask for advice, read, study and get help. Your dream is impacted significantly by your strategy. Have you honestly evaluated your strategy?
5. Personal Leadership
How you manage your life affects your church and your leadership. Self-leadership can make or break a leader.
Manage yourself in these areas:
- Emotions
- Relationships
- Seasons of ministry and life
- Rest